MCB Performance - MCB Engine Rebuild Kits STAGE - 2 POLARIS

MCB Performance has expanded our Stage Engine Kits to now include POLARIS! As you know MCB Performance has been focused on providing the finest engine components for many years. We have continued to grow and expand our product lines and further fine tune our Pistons and Internal engine components. In 2016 we completely upgraded our Engine Build program and it has already paid off with countless happy customers. Last year we heard loud and clear from our customers wanting the exact same quality components we use in our Engine program in a COMPLETE package so they can have a plug and play engine kit for the do-it-yourselfers. Customers wanted a simple few choices to match what they needed and we responded. These kits are available for just about every conceivable engine out there with more in the works. We have streamlined these kits now so that there are 4 options that are very user friendly:


Stage 1 - These are our famous Top-end kits that started MCB on its path. It has everything to do a top end including Pistons, Rings, Pins, Clips, and a Complete gasket set. These are available with MCB Classic series pistons or MCB Forged series pistons.

Stage 2 - This kit takes Stage 1 and adds a complete ready to drop-in Crankshaft kit. Make no mistake these cranks are trued and indexed to perfection using the finest Koyo and FAG bearings and genuine OE seals. This is our most popular kit and it's a great deal as a package.

Stage 3 - This kit includes everything in our Stage 2 kit, PLUS completely remanufactured and properly sized cylinders (or monoblock). This makes a TRUE major engine overhaul and ensures all parts are engineered to work together.

Stage 4 - This is MCB's most complete kit and comes with all of Stage 3 plus the following, OE thermostat, OE oiling check valves, Enough tubing to replace all the oil lines with premium grade non- hardening line, a tube of very specific case sealant, and full instructions including torque values and guidelines. All kits are available with the MCB Classic series pistons or can be ordered with the MCB Pro-Series forged pistons and available through this website or you can actually CALL and speak to a real person to place the order or ask any questions while rebuilding your engine.

MCB Stage Kits - Customers asked and we responded with Quality and Value.

Browse MCB Engine Rebuild Kits STAGE - 2 POLARIS Products

Items 1-13 of 13
Description: Genuine MCB Stage-2 rebuild kit for Polaris 850 Patriot motor. Stage 2 includes: - Completely Remanufactured Polaris OEM 2208745 crankshaft with all NEW wear-components, Polaris OEM bearings,...More Details »
Item #: 23430721
Condition: New
Price: $1,849.95

Description: Genuine MCB Stage-2 rebuild kit for Polaris 650 Patriot motor. Stage 2 includes: - Completely Remanufactured Polaris OEM 2208740 crankshaft with all NEW wear-components, Polaris OEM bearings,...More Details »
Item #: 23431301
Condition: New
Price: $1,549.95

1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,POLARIS,700,ENGINE,CRANKSHAFT,REBUILD KIT,RMK,DRAGON,CRANKSHAFT,pistons
Description: Genuine MCB Stage-2 rebuild kit for ALL 1999-2005 Polaris 700 Liberty motors VES and non-VES. *******Not for the 2005 Fusion chassis 700, which is a 755cc******** Stage 2 includes: -...More Details »
Item #: 23431258
Condition: New
Price: $1,399.95

Description: Genuine MCB Stage-2 rebuild kit for ALL 2001-2005 Polaris 800 Liberty motors VES and non-VES(2001). Stage 2 includes: - Completely remanufactured crankshaft with all new components, bearings....More Details »
Item #: 23431259
Condition: New
Price: $1,399.95

Description: Genuine MCB Stage-2 rebuild kit for ALL 2008-2010 Polaris 800's. Stage 2 includes: - Completely remanufactured crankshaft with all new components, bearings, new drive gear and seals. Trued and...More Details »
Item #: 23430509
Condition: New
Price: $795.95

Best engine rebuild kit Polaris 800 Rush, RMK, Pro-R, RMK Pro, Switchback assault
Description: Genuine MCB Stage-2 rebuild kit for ALL 2011-12 Polaris 800's. Stage 2 includes: - Completely remanufactured crankshaft with all new components, bearings, new drive gear and seals. Trued and...More Details »
Item #: 23430549
Condition: New
Price: $795.95

Premium quality rotating kit Polaris 800 Axys, Rush, RMK, Pro-R, RMK Pro, Switchback assault
Description: Genuine MCB Stage-2 rebuild kit for ALL 2013-2019 Polaris 800's. Stage 2 includes: - Completely remanufactured crankshaft with all new components, bearings, new pump drive gear and seals. Trued...More Details »
Item #: 23430550
Condition: New
Price: $949.95

Description: POLARIS 800 RMK MCB COMPLETE Stage-2 ENGINE KIT w/ Dual Ring Piston Kit 2000-2005 800 RMK COMPLETE KIT: - 2 Genuine MCB Pistons - 4 Rings - Circlips - Wrist Pins - Wrist Pin Bearings - 1...More Details »
Item #: 23429212
Condition: New
Price: $929.95

Description: POLARIS 800 RMK MCB COMPLETE Stage-2 ENGINE KIT w/ Dual Ring FORGED Piston Kit 2000-2005 800 RMK COMPLETE KIT: - 2 Genuine MCB FORGED Pistons - 4 Rings - Circlips - Wrist Pins - Wrist Pin...More Details »
Item #: 23429221
Condition: New
Price: $979.95

Description: Polaris 700 IQ/RMK/SWBK - MCB COMPLETE Stage-2 ENGINE KIT w/ Dual Ring Piston Kit 2007-2010 COMPLETE KIT: - 2 Genuine CAST MCB Pistons - 4 Rings - Circlips - Wrist Pins - Wrist Pin...More Details »
Item #: 23429211
Condition: New
Price: $955.95

Description: Polaris 700 Dragon/IQ/RMK/Switchback - MCB COMPLETE Stage-2 ENGINE KIT w/ Dual Ring FORGED Piston Kit 2007-2010 COMPLETE KIT: - 2 Genuine MCB FORGED Pistons - 4 Premium Rings - Circlips -...More Details »
Item #: 23429219
Condition: New
Price: $1,025.95

Description: POLARIS 600 - MCB COMPLETE Stage-2 ENGINE KIT w/ Dual Ring Piston Kit 2007-2014 600 (FITS LISTED MODELS) 600 Cleanfire Switchback / 600HO / 600HO IQ / 600HO IQ Touring Cleanfire / LX Cleanfire...More Details »
Item #: 23429213
Condition: New
Price: $1,029.95

Description: POLARIS 600 - MCB COMPLETE Stage-2 ENGINE KIT w/ Dual Ring FORGED Piston Kit 2007-2014 600 (FITS LISTED MODELS) 600 Cleanfire Switchback / 600HO / 600HO IQ / 600HO IQ Touring Cleanfire / LX...More Details »
Item #: 23429220
Condition: New
Price: $1,079.95

Items 1-13 of 13